Embarking on a major new course of study is a daunting, but nonetheless exciting proposition.
Whilst I have been considering taking a full time MBA for quite some time, it is only recently that these thoughts have evolved into deadlines, information evenings and the inevitable GMAT prep.
As the days tick by, I hope to post any useful information / resources / links I come across as well as my personal experiences - so even if nobody reads this apart from me, at least I have a diary to look back on.
I am certain the next year will contain its fair share of ups and downs as the applications machine gets into full gear... I will consider my job done if this blog proves useful to just one person out there. (inc. myself)
A bit of background:
- Male, English, three weeks short of 29
- Consultant based in London, currently between contracts
- Graduated from the University of Leeds with a 2:1 in Information Systems & Management Studies
- 8 years management experience, 3 full time in industry and 5 as an interim/consultant through my own company.
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