Well it's been a little while and thought I'd better get recording the various 'going-on's here :)
Since last update, my final references were submitted on-time and I managed to get the application for the Fulbright scholarship hand-delivered to the commission before the deadline so am eagerly awaiting a response! Hopefully will hear within the next month how things are looking, though plan to get started on planning the admissions essays for my chosen universities *now*. :-D
A few more universities are definately appearing on my radar as far as a potential match to study-requirements is concerned, most prominent of which being Stanford - whose MBA course appears to match my own aspirations as far as subject matter is concerned. The issue of funding is still my most pressing concern, as work is still in short supply, but am really getting stuck into volunteering for a project that focuses on London's hosting of the 2012 Olympics in the meantime :) It would be a shame to leave the project if/when paid work comes along, but bills have to be paid and savings need to be replenished if I'm going to have any chance of starting the course next year!!
Apart from that, I've taken a break from GMAT studies in order to round off my language skills (french refresher course) as such skills should be greatly beneficial in coming years.